Desire fog is real, and we don’t talk about it enough.

So, what do you want?

I still remember Josh's pained and slightly embarrassed look as he considered the question and said, “I don’t know what I want, and I have no idea how to figure it out.”

Desire fog is the experience of feeling confused or stuck with your own desires. It shows up as an inability to articulate what you want or pursue your desires in a way that feels liberating and true to who you are.

In society, we praise people who “go big or go home.” And we simultaneously praise people who put everyone else’s needs and wants above their own. Internally, many of us haven’t been taught how to interact with our own desires with much depth or nuance.

It’s no wonder that desires can feel so tricky.

And yet we don’t talk about it very much. So many people tell me that they feel guilty, ashamed, or like it’s some kind of personal failure if this part of their lives feels tough.

We have to talk about this more. Why? Because not only does this create a lot of frustration and stress in our lives individually I also believe that collectively we miss out. The author, philosopher, theologian, civil rights leader, and mystic said a famous quote you’ve probably heard but is worth repeating.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
— Howard Thurman

I love this quote so much, and I would add that a deep, honest look at your desires is integral to the process of coming alive. I am passionate about creating more space to talk about this part of our lives and the pathway that I have seen create meaningful, authentic alignment on your unique journey of becoming who you were made to be. I believe the world is a better place when we all show up as our full selves.

The Authentic Alignment pathway is based on learning from working with hundreds of people as a coach and teacher. I’m offering this group coaching experience to create a collective space to keep talking about and working on creating a generative relationship with our deepest desires. It combines teaching, coaching, resources, and a fun, supportive community.


Going from desire fog to deeply aligned becomes simple and doable when you have the right tools.

Membership Includes:

  • Access to lessons for each stage
    20-minute lessons that are tailored to each stage of the process blend principles and practices and are designed to teach you the skills, process, and framework in a way that will be meaningful for you
    Think of a how-to guide that draws on bigger-picture themes and principles, making it personal and actionable.

  • Self-Reflection Guide and Workbook
    The specific exercises I have developed help uncover the specific gift of each stage
    You’ve never had homework this fun.

  • Live Group Coaching Calls
    Live, exclusive Zooms will be a chance to dive into Q&A, ask me any questions, and get my focused support, as well as learn from other amazing humans who are in the same process.
    You don’t have to do this alone.

  • Online Community Space
    To support your learning and be able to ask questions or interact outside of coaching calls, you’ll have access to an online community space that will let you ask a question, share wins, and be inspired.
    It’s a third space (places that aren’t home or work) but for your desires.

This might be for you if:

  • You are in a season of transition and are struggling to figure out what the next chapter of your life is supposed to be about.

  • You feel dissatisfied with desire fog in your life and long for clarity.

  • You would love some simple, meaningful, and proven ways to start working on this area of your life.

  • You have questions and observations but want some tools to interpret those things.

  • You would love to be a part of a wonderful group of humans who are also asking the same kind of questions you are.

  • Having an ongoing commitment and accountability to your journey would be helpful.

  • You would be helped by a group coaching experience and enjoy learning from teaching and shared learning in a community.

  • You sense that the old ways of dealing with these kinds of questions are kind of tired, and you’re looking for something fresh.

This might not be for you if:

  • You don’t sense that this is the right time to address this part of your life which is important and valid.

  • You are not able to put time and effort into your process. I believe in making things bite-size and doable, but it won’t work well if you can’t create some space and action steps. I estimate about 2 hours per month as a base level. That will give you enough time to do the lesson and the personal reflection homework and engage with the group call, either live or recorded. You can also do more or go faster (binge the pathway, I guess? Haha), but that’s up to you.

  • You’re looking for more highly contextualized 1:1 coaching support or scheduling flexibility according to your calendar.


Registration for Authentic Alignment is CURRENTLY CLOSED.
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About Me

Hi, I’m Tracey. I am a Leadership Coach and Consultant who is fascinated (obsessed??) with helping people figure out what they truly want and create alignment around that. When I started my business, I couldn’t wait to help people figure out how to use their strengths to get where they wanted to go. The problem was so many of them had no idea what they actually wanted. I realized that strengths help you figure out how you work at your best, but your desires point you to your why.

Over the last five years, I have developed the Authentic Alignment pathway out of nearly 1000 hours of coaching to help people clarify what they truly want and go from desire fog to deeply aligned. I feel incredibly honored to get to do what I do. It literally makes me happy dance.

I have my B.A. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, a minor in Business, and an M.A. in Leadership. I am certified in 4 frameworks — Enneagram, Gallup StrengthsFinder, Cultural Intelligence, and Working Genius and utilize these modalities in my work. I love good questions, black coffee, and pretty much every dog I’ve ever met. You can often find me reading, on a hike with my dog, or trying to keep my streak on Duolingo going.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I sign up with a partner, friends, or a group of folks?
    Yes! This experience is well-suited to go through with a crew of people.

  2. Who is this for?
    This is for people of all gender identities, abilities, backgrounds, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, and ethnic identities who want to grow in clarifying their desires and creatively engaging with their lives. We are committed to creating a safe space.

  3. Do you have scholarships available?
    At times, I have some scholarship funds available, particularly for BIWOC. Please email me your interest.

  4. Can I donate to scholarships?
    Absolutely, if you’d like to provide financial support for someone being able to be a part of this that wouldn’t otherwise, that would be amazing. You can do so here.

  5. Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
    Yes, please contact me at to request a refund if you’re not happy with the experience.

  6. Can I do this for a month or two and then stop?
    This experience is not designed with that in mind. I see this as a year-long commitment. If you have a special case, let me know, but I think the ongoing nature of the experience is something that is an important part of how this will work best.

  7. You’ve offered a course before. How is this similar or different?
    Great question! I’ve used the same name Authentic Alignment because I think the topic is the same, but this is a much more expanded pathway and framework. The previous Authentic Alignment course focused on only one main aspect of the kind of questions that keep us stuck and how to navigate those. So if you’ve done the course, I think you’ll recognize some aspects and find a lot more.

  8. You’ve offered group coaching before. How is this similar or different?
    I did, and I loved it! It was beautiful to see how that coaching style suits some people and how the community aspect and learning from one another was a huge highlight. So, this new way of working together via group coaching aims to expand that while also increasing the flexibility to do so. I noticed with the group coaching that the synchronous nature was a little tough. So this gives a community-oriented way to learn but with a high degree of flexibility. Members will be at different stages and working on different parts of the pathway, and I think this will be another great way to learn.

  9. What is the time commitment of the different aspects?
    The main lessons are short and sweet. No more than 20 minutes per lesson, and I work hard not to waste your time because I know your time and attention are limited. Live Group calls will be 60-90 minutes. People will have a chance to submit questions ahead of time, and all calls will be recorded and shared afterward if you can’t make it in person. The homework assignments take anywhere from 30-60 minutes each, and there is one for each stage. You can put more into it, but I usually recommend that. My goal is to give you some solid reflections that move the needle, but I also know everyone is busy. The online community connection is totally up to you.

  10. Since we’re using the Gallup StrengthsFinder Top 5 assessment, do I need to retake it if I’ve already taken it before?
    My short answer is no. If you’ve done it and you resonate with the results, retaking it is unnecessary. If it’s been a long time (10+ years or so) and you feel like you'd like to retake them, then that’s fine too, and some of my clients are helped by doing so. If you want a more in-depth answer, here’s a short blog article about that.